Spectacular Scraps: A Simple Approach to Stunning Quilts

by Judy Hooworth and Margaret Rolfe

Margaret combines with Judy Hooworth, a leading Australian quiltmaker and teacher, to present a simple approach to making stunning and colourful scrap quilts. Based on four-patch blocks of half-square triangles, you will be amazed at the variety designs possible. This book also will lead you on an exciting journey in using colour, as you choose two colour families for each quilt. A marvellous resource for giving you ideas on how to use up lots of your scraps. 80 pages.

Published in Australia by Sally Milner Publishing. A$32.95 Available by mail order from Logan’s Patchwork, Unit 6, 111 Moore St, Leichhardt NSW 2040, Australia, phone 61-2-9550 9119, fax 61-2-9550-0525, or contact them through their website www.patchworkfabrics.com.au